Lecturing and moderating debates

Here are a few examples of debates or lectures in English that I was participating in.

The Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft in Berlin made an interview with me in June 2018 about the Swedish Election later on during the year.

In december 2016 I was invited to participate in a debate about Right Wing Populism with the Nordic office of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Think-thank Katalys.

In 5 of November 2014 I was participating in a debate in Kulturhuset in Stockholm that was arranged by the UK organization ”Battle of Ideas”. We were talking about ”The trouble with democracy: populism, technocrats and fear of The People”. The rest of the panel: Kajsa Ekis Ekman, journalist and author, and Sabina Beppler-Spahl, lecturer and writer from the German magazine Novo Argumente. Moderator: Rob Lyons. My first part will be just after 17 minutes.

I was moderating av debate during the Human Rights Congress in Umeå in November 2014. The titel was ”Why Hate?” and the people participating were Brian Palmer, Social Anthropologists Uppsala university, known amongst other things for books and lectures about what distinguishes brave Human beings from others, Kitty Kurth and Kevin Lampe, from Chicago, consultants focusing on Public Participation and Human Rights that has been working for Barack Obama, Soraya Post, MEP and feminist with a Roma background, and Anette Pettersson, the Academy for Democracy.

I was also moderating the opening session in the Human Rights Congress in Stockholm in November 2011 with Barbara Hendricks, singer and goodwill ambassador for UNHCR,  Liz Fekete, head of Ínstitute of Race Relations in London, and Fateh Azzam, working for the High Commissioner of Human Rights in the UN Middle East office in Beirut.

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