Right-Wing Extremism in Sweden


Jimmie Åkesson, Sverigedemokraterna (The Sweden Democrats)

”Right-Wing Extremism in Europe” is an Anthology published by the German organisation Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and presented both in English and in German. It was printed as a book and is also available on line.

FES-Schweden-150 (1)In September 2014 they also published a supplement with my texts about the Scandinavian scene. ”Right-Wing Extremism in Sweden” has a focus on the Right Wing Populistic party Sverigedemokraterna, The Sweden Democrats and smaller sections on Svenska motståndsrörelsen, Swedish Resistance Movement, and Svenskarnas parti, The Party for the Swedes.

My text is also both in printed form and as a pdf online. There is a German version of my text as well.


Svenska motståndsrörelsen (The Swedish Resistance Movement)


The leadership of Svenskarnas parti (The party for the Swedes)

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